
Keep track of your material dreams...
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What is Wants?

Wants is a PHP and MySQL-based public wish list management system for web sites.


  • Administration area for adding, modifying and deleting wish list items, as well as resorting the list.
  • Generates a fixed-width graphical representation of every item on the wish list displaying:
    • How much money you own to pay for this item.
    • How much money you have borrowed to pay for this item.
    • Surplus money allocated to the item.
    • Surplus money borrowed to pay for the item.
  • Comes with an install script that sets up the MySQL tables for using Wants, or optionally deletes already existing Wants tables.
  • Manual sorting of the items in the list (not yet available), or
  • Automatic (by ID, name, cost, etc.) sorting of the items in the list (currently only ID sorting)
Using Wants in a web site is as simple as including the wants.php file in your page, as per the PHP commands include() or require(), eg. include('wants.php');.

You will be able to specify the:
  • Item description/name
  • Item cost
  • Amount of money you have allocated for the item
  • Amount of money you have borrowed to pay for the item
  • Link to a website related to the item
  • A comment you want to include about that item
  • Item priority (not yet available)
  • Sorting type - manual or automatic (not yet available)


  • A webserver or web host of some sort. (Naturally)
  • PHP version 3 or better.
  • A MySQL account.
If you are unsure whether your web host supports all these things, you should review the documentation supplied by your host, or send them an email asking if they support PHP and MySQL.


Wants 1.3.0 alpha: wants-1.3.0.zip

If you're looking for the very latest, bleeding edge version of Wants, you can get it through anonymous CVS access. Click here to read how to get Wants through CVS, or for the more experienced users, here is the short version (UNIX-like operating systems only):

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/wants co wants

It's recommended that you update your CVS version of Wants a minimum of every three days. If you experience bugs or missing features in a CVS version more than three days old, you should first update it using the following command (while inside the Wants folder) before you request support, as there is a chance the bug may already have been fixed:

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/wants update

If you experience any bugs or missing features, please do not refrain from telling the developers about it in the forums, or by filing a support request or bug report. We need all the feedback we can get!
It should be noted that CVS versions can be considered alpha stage, and possibly extremely unreliable, so the developers take no responsibility whatsoever for any damage caused by its use!
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